Sunday, December 14, 2008

December Update

Wow, there's lots going on. I am really getting the hang of this walking thing. I know how to get to the park now. All I have to do is walk out my driveway and turn left. I usually get distracted by a pond, or Christmas decorations, or dogs, but I always eventually find my way to the park.

Here's a photo that makes me look like I'm jogging!

Walking to the park wears me out! Time for a break.

I get excited when I see doggies!

Our park has lots of cool pine trees.
We have another great park (Sawgrass Lake) that's just a short drive away. It has these great boardwalks that let you explore the wetlands. I like it because it's like bumper bowling; just point me in the right direction and I'll get there!

At Sawgrass, we see lots of cool wildlife, like this gator!

This great blue heron was looking for lunch. He was really pretty against the fallen leaves floating on the water.

We always see lots of armadillos when we're hiking. Daddy walks real softly and sneaks up on them. He crouches down so I can get a good look at them.

Here I am watching one walk by.

I'm a pretty good drummer. Here I am teaching Daddy a few things.

Pap-Pap, would you like a few pointers too?

Three at once? I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.

This one is just the right size.
Auntie Christine came over today and spoiled me with some Christmas gifts. She is such a great Godmother.

I love my Auntie C.

Yea! Check out my cool glowing seahorse!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Yea! Daddy was home for the long Thanksgiving weekend. Mommy had to go to work Friday so it was a daddy-daughter day in the woods! We drove up to Withlacooche State Forest and went for a nice hike. I've gone on lots of hikes in parks closer to home, but this was my longest hike yet: 8 1/2 miles!

Here I am taking a little lunch break.

Most of you have seen pictures of me in my backpack but this gives you a wider view. It has a cool little kickstand so it stands up on its own. Daddy was shopping for new backpacks that were surprisingly expensive, but he found this one on Craigslist for $20!

Here is a nice scene that shows one of the habitats we walked through. We saw a turkey near here. Pretty relaxing, huh?

The peaceful scenery, the rhythm of Daddy walking and the sounds of the forest were enough to convince me to take a few naps. Or maybe it was Daddy talking about pine flatwoods, cypress domes and the differences between hydric and xeric oak hammocks. Daddy brought along a soft shirt just so I could have a pillow. This is one of Daddy's favorite pictures of all time.

Come on Dad, I'm trying to sleep.

I'm getting pretty good at walking, but I don't think I'm ready for hiking on my own yet. It sure is nice having a PDTS (Personal Daddy Transportation System). Thanks for spending your day in the woods with me Daddy.