Monday, April 27, 2009

Meadow, Hailey's B-day and Sawgrass

On tap today, we have some pics of me playing in the meadow, me hiking at Sawgrass Lake and my good friend Hailey's birthday party. Let's dive right in.

I've been spending lots of time playing with flowers in our meadow in our front yard. Daddy calls it a meadow. I'm not sure what the neighbors call it.

And a few pics from just hanging around the house.

And now off to Hailey's birthday party.

Daddy was trying to hold the camera himself, but another party guest was nice enough to snap a shot of me hugging daddy.

I like hiking at Sawgrass Lake. The boardwalk keeps me walking in the right direction, at least most of the time. Sometimes the flowers are too tempting (and close enough to reach)!

Hanging out in the oak hammock checking out the saw palmetto and blowing kisses at armadillos.

It's getting hot, and that means inflatable pool time!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Church Picnic and Hiking

Our church had its annual festival last month so we got to ride until we felt queazy and then calm things down with funnel cake and corn dogs. Amen!

This ride was pretty fast, but mom was there to show me how to hold on.

Does this choo-choo go any faster?

We've been hiking a lot lately at Sawgrass Lake Preserve. It's really fun to go exploring there. Here's a gator we saw not too long ago. I like gators, but they tend to just lay there.

OK dad, I think everyone is getting tired of photos like this.

The royal ferns were flowering all over the park.

Pop Visit II

Here are some more photos.

Alexandra is super sweet.

Laughing with Pop and Alida.

"What are we doing?"....."I don't know, but it feels right."

Here's a leaf Pop.

Pop Visit

Recently, Pop (mommy's dad) came down to visit along with his wife Alida, their daughter Alexandra and Claudia the family friend. I had a great time seeing them, but I mostly enjoyed playing with, and learning from, Alexandra!

I started to act a little crazy when she first came over.

Hangin with mommy.

You talkin to us?

The goofiness continues.

Ooohh, that looks fun!

You're right, things look much cooler from this angle.

Of course, daddy made everyone pose for portraits because family was in town.

Alexandra shows off her future sibling.

Pop, Alida and Alexandra.

Alexandra and I agreed to cooperate for a few.


Alida was lots of fun!

Thanks for visiting everyone! I can't wait until next time; hopefully we'll make it back to SC soon!