Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Uncle Tom and Aunt Nancy Visit

I had a great time when Uncle Tom and Aunt Nancy came to visit! (They're actually daddy's uncle and aunt, but you know what I mean).

Daddy made us all pose for a group photo when nobody was in the mood for it. I'm glad he made us though, because now I have something to post on my blog!

Yee-haaa! Uncle Tom is loads of fun!

Of course, since I was at Mimi and Pap-Pap's, I had to get some drumming in.

Winter Pics

Mommy and daddy told me that these cold fronts would be over soon and we'd be back in our normal Florida heat. So I figured I should make the most of it and get out in the yard.

Wow! Mittens are fun!

We don't have snow or hills in Florida, so I decided to sled-ride in our living room in a big tupperware. I can't say how it compares to the real thing, but I'll tell ya, it was pretty fun!

B is for Bob!

I'll let the shirt do the talking...