Friday, October 24, 2008

Mommy's New Camera

YEAH! Mommy got a point-and-shoot camera so now I don't have to rely on daddy getting his big complicated camera out every time someone wants to take a picture. It's small, it's fast and it's fun!

At first I was confused. What is that little thing?

Oh, it's a camera! I get it. CHEESE!

I guess we'll let daddy use it also.

Mommy brought it to Gavin's birthday party and recorded a few moments since daddy had to work and miss out on the fun.
Mommy and I tagged along with daddy on his business trip to Savannah. It was fun.

Here's me and mommy hanging out in Forsyth Park while daddy was working.

Here's me in my sweet new ride; a smaller stroller that's great for traveling.

Mmm, I love oranges!

Mmm, I love my B.

Daddy tested out the night mode as we strolled around Savannah way past any normal kid's bedtime.

Savannah has horsies! And lots of them! They were the best! Mom, can I have a horse?

See ya later!

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